Honestly I told you I was bad at this

Hello again and welcome to my ongoing third-life crisis! I know it’s been a minute. I refuse to look up exactly when my last post was because it will make me feel worse and this is my blog so I am not obligated to do anything that will make me feel bad.

Life is marching forward, the hours creep on apace. Progress on my pilot is at a standstill. A new idea came to me that I am excited about but fear it will meet a similar fate. (Not that either will never be touched again–I just tend to lose momentum and get distracted–thx ADHD brain!!)

I got engaged, that part has been brimming with joy and excitement as my fiancé and I look to the future together. (What a word, what a joyous word! Fiancé, fiancé, fiancé! Beautiful and French and hopeful.)


unfortunately, that does not solve all of my problems. I remain distracted in perpetuity. I have an artist brain but without any of the perseverance and focus required to make an honest living with my art. In the past few months I’ve had countless story ideas, a few podcast ideas, ideas for how to completely change the course of my career, a handful of unanswered emails to potential therapists, “I need to make a dental appointment”s, and a half-assed wedding planning spreadsheet. And I know this right here for sure isn’t the way to achieve my goals of getting paid to do what I love and feel like I’m being fulfilled.

So if anyone wants to collaborate and you’re someone who is up to the difficult and kind of ridiculous task of drawing me out of my funk and making some magic, send me a message. I’m trying to not be so bad at asking for help, but my friends Shame and Self-loathing like to hang out and make me feel like an idiot for even thinking it.

I want to make things that are weird and kind of spooky and a little funny, maybe create a world or two and have fun with people I like. A kick in the pants, some accountability, an easily achievable goal that I won’t give up on immediately–maybe you’ve run into a similar type of funk and we can support each other while making something cool.

Time to create.

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